*3D animation” is an essential part of Invisalign treatment.

Invisalign is an orthodontic procedure that uses a removable mouthpiece appliance.

Invisalign is highly popular among patients in the U.S. and other advanced dental countries because it is difficult for people to notice that they are wearing braces.

By wearing the mouthpiece for a long period of time, the teeth are gradually moved to the correct position.

Unlike orthodontic methods in which wires are tightly bound, this method is characterized by less pain.

3D animation” is an essential part of Invisalign treatment.


Orthodontic Treatment Plans

A good dentist will tell you at the beginning of your orthodontic treatment plan how the teeth will be moved.

They can also clearly explain if extractions will be necessary, how much the total treatment will cost, and how long the treatment will take.


Using our unique system, you can see the movement of your teeth from the start to the end of treatment in a 3D image.
This 3D animation also allows us to understand all necessary periods and costs.

In addition, a specialized technician manufactures a custom-made mouthpiece based on the detailed information of the teeth read by a state-of-the-art scanner.

The treatment can be done with a device that suits your dental condition.

Schedule a free consultation today!


◆ www.bestdentist.com.au ◆
Dr Knox Kim is Invisalign’s Diamond Invisalign Provider and Invisalign’s only Clinical consultant/ Speaker among General dentists in Australia
Top 6th in the world in Invisalign International Gallery, Principal dentist at Sydney CBD and vice principal dentist at Tokyo,  Finished over 1,500 Invisalign patients in both Sydney and Tokyo,
treating over 400 patients in both clinics, Invisalign’s official lecturer, lecturing at Shangai, Hangzhou, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Las Vegas, and all the major cities in Australia and New Zealand
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