Computer aided 3D filling cutting device


What is CEREC?

CEREC is a 3D computer-aided high-tech system that allows dentists to manufacture perfectly cavity-fitting ceramic restorations in the clinic without taking a conventional mould. The 3D computer software allows the dentist to take a digital scanning of your tooth cavity with an intraoral camera and go on to design perfectly fitting restorations. This allows 100% control of the accurate fit, correct contacts against adjacent teeth, and the chewing surface.

What are the Benefits of CEREC dentistry?

  • Usually one visit treatment for high quality, long lasting restorations – typically 15 – 20 years
  • No impressions mould taking or temporaries required

Please click here for more information about Cerec

For any further information regarding our treatments or practice, please contact the Dental Clinic at World Tower and we will be more than happy to help answer your questions or arrange an appointment for you.