3D Dental Scan / Dental CBCT

we offer panoramic x-rays and cone-beam 3D imaging .

Orthophos XG 3 | Dentsply Sirona

Cone beam 3D imaging is a relatively new development that allows dentists to see clear, detailed, three dimensional images of your teeth, as well as the bones and soft tissues that surround them.

These kinds of images can be a lot more helpful than traditional two-dimensional x-rays, since they can be moved around to see your tooth and bone structures from every angle.

This technology is particularly helpful for things like seeing exactly how close a wisdom tooth is to the nerves and arteries in your jaw, or precisely how much bone is present to support an implant.

Sirona presenta ORTHOPHOS XG 3D - YouTube

We might want to take a 3D image for some of the following reasons:

*Accurate placement of implants

*Determining if a root canal is your best treatment option

*Planning for extractions, especially of impacted teeth

*Evaluation of your sinuses *Invisalign *Fractures

*Diagnosing TMJ issues

*Getting to the bottom of undiagnosed pain



Call us: 9269 0514 ◆ www.bestdentist.c­om.au ◆ Dr Knox Kim is Diamond Invisalign Provider and Invis­align’s only Clinical Consultant/ Speaker among General dent­ists in Australia Top 6th in the world in Invisalign Interna­tional Gallery #stra­ightyourteethwithout­braces #invisalign #braces #sydneydentis­t#dentalclinicatworl­dtower #cosmetic #be­stdentist #citydenti­st#cerec#onedaycrown­#rootcanaltherapy#wi­sdomtooth​ #インビザライン#矯正 #シドニー#歯医者 #歯科矯正#矯正女子#ビフォーアフタ­ー#海外#海外移住#歯#オーストラリア #マウスピース矯正#隐适美#牙科诊所#中文#牙医

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