Happy Easter! Oral care during Easter

Chocolate eggs and sweets are fun and tempting during Easter time, but they can cause cavities!

Make it a balance between enjoying holidays and sweets during Easter and protecting your long-term oral health!

4 Dental Health Tips for you this Easter:


Water will help to neutralize the acids in your mouth
Encourage your children to drink water by leaving a jug of water on the table during meal times.

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Limit consumption of sugary foods and beverages to mealtimes only.
Eating between meals increases the time that your teeth are exposed to food. If the foods contain sugar or natural sugars you will be at a greater risk for tooth decay. The longer the sugar is on your teeth the greater the risk for decay.




Sticky stubborn sweets tend to get stuck in between teeth!
As the sugars remain in contact with the teeth, the sugars get to work and begin to break down the enamel. Hard boiled sweets can also put your teethat risk because, in addition to being full of sugar, they can also trigger a dental emergency such as a broken or chipped tooth.

ZIP】生キャラメルの作り方 材料3つスイーツレシピ(4月27日)

■ BRUSHING YOUR TEETH – but not straight after your chocolate!

Food and drinks high in sugar soften the enamel (white coating) of the tooth, so it is important that you wait at least 30 minutes before brushing and allowing your saliva to neutralise the harmful acids– as you don’t want to cause enamel erosion!
Don’t forget to brush your teeth! You should aim to brush your teeth for 2 minutes twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste. Also, remember to include your interdental cleaning aids.



Does it hurt? Maybe a cavity?

In order not to overlook any problems with your mouth, please take advantage of the regular checkup.
There are many people who do not notice the condition of the initial cavity because it is not painful and the tooth is just muddy.

However, if cavities are noticed in the early stages, it is possible to treat them without having to shave them.
Be sure to use your dental office to notice at this stage.

During the regular checkup, in addition to checking the condition of your mouth, we also remove plaque (plaque) and dirt that you have not been able to remove yourself, and provide you with personalized brushing instructions.

It can also lead to early detection of other problems, so please come for a regular checkup about once every six months.

◆ www.bestdentist.com.au ◆
Dr Knox Kim is Invisalign’s Diamond Invisalign Provider and Invisalign’s only Clinical consultant/ Speaker among General dentists in Australia
Top 6th in the world in Invisalign International Gallery, Principal dentist at Sydney CBD and vice principal dentist at Tokyo,  Finished over 1,500 Invisalign patients in both Sydney and Tokyo,
treating over 400 patients in both clinics, Invisalign’s official lecturer, lecturing at Shangai, Hangzhou, Seoul, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Las Vegas, and all the major cities in Australia and New Zealand
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