If even one of these items applies to you, watch out!  

You may be thinking, “I brush my teeth every morning and every night, so I don’t need a checkup. If you are thinking “I brush my teeth every morning and every night, so I don’t need a checkup!

Teeth are not evenly aligned and there are many gaps between the teeth!

Plaque, a mass of bacteria, tends to grow between teeth and in areas where saliva does not flow easily in the mouth, making it difficult to remove plaque completely with daily self-care alone.

Plaque left in the mouth can also lead to tooth decay as the acid produced by the bacteria dissolves the tooth surface.



If even one of these items applies to you, watch out!  If you have many, please visit us now.

■Your mouth is sticky when you wake up from sleep
■Bad breath
■There is a prickling at the base of your teeth
■Food gets caught between your teeth easily
■Gums sometimes bleed when you brush your teeth
■My teeth are longer than before
■Cannot chew hard foods

Dental checkups check every inch of your mouth for cavities and other oral conditions!

Regular dental checkups can help prevent a variety of problems in your mouth!


What Can You Expect During A Dental Exam?

Going to the dentist is like going to any doctor.

First, you will be asked about your medical history before the exam begins.

Be sure to tell your dentist about your current medications, allergies, and any conditions, like asthma, heart problems, or diabetes.

Some conditions can affect your oral health, so it’s important that you share this information with your dentist.

During your appointment, one of our dentists will examine your teeth and gums and take x-rays(if required) to check for cavities and signs of gum disease.

At the end of an exam, your dentist will discuss what was found and give you suggestions on how to care for your teeth.
If necessary, your dentist may suggest a future procedure to ensure the health of your teeth for years to come.



If you wish, we will give you advice on how to take care of your teeth and gums at home, how to properly use a toothbrush and floss according to your individual teeth alignment and brushing habits, and how to be aware of areas that are difficult to clean. The busier you are, the harder it is to go to the dentist”, the more affordable maintenance is!


Call us: 9269 0514 ◆ www.bestdentist.c­om.au ◆ Dr Knox Kim is Diamond Invisalign Provider and Invis­align’s only Clinical Consultant/ Speaker among General dent­ists in Australia Top 6th in the world in Invisalign Interna­tional Gallery #stra­ightyourteethwithout­braces #invisalign #braces #sydneydentis­t#dentalclinicatworl­dtower #cosmetic #be­stdentist #citydenti­st#cerec#onedaycrown­#rootcanaltherapy#wi­sdomtooth​ #インビザライン#矯正 #シドニー#歯医者 #歯科矯正#矯正女子#ビフォーアフタ­ー#海外#海外移住#歯#オーストラリア #マウスピース矯正#隐适美#牙科诊所#中文#牙医

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