About Microscope Enhanced Dentistry

Just like specialists in medical operating theatre, our practice has embraced the use of high-tech microscopes in both clinic studios for magnification to maintain the highest treatment standards.

Since 2004, like the top 3% of dentists in Australia, we have installed high-tech microscopes in all of our studios as part of our preventive and curative procedures, which allows us to perform precise dental examinations and procedures at the microscopic level.

High magnification procedures allow us to see minute details that cannot be seen with the naked eye or special magnifying glasses.

The use of an operating microscope allows for very precise fitting and finishing of dental restorations.

Dental treatment with a microscope provides exceptional clinical precision in every aspect.

Features and Benefits of Microscopes

Microscopes in Endodontics - American Association of Endodontists

The main feature of treatment using a microscope (microscope) is the ability to magnify objects that cannot be seen with the naked eye by a factor of 3 to 30.

This means that treatment using the naked eye or a magnifying glass (loupe) is the same as treatment using a microscope, but if a carious tooth too small to be seen by the naked eye is detected, it can be treated in the early stages. This is a big difference from conventional treatment which relies on experience and intuition while referring to X-rays.

The use of a microscope is beneficial in all areas of dentistry, including composite treatment and root canal treatment.

This allows Dr. Knox Kim and our team to see what most dentists cannot see under normal circumstances.

Not only can we see problems when they are very small, we can improve the precision and accuracy of our care for you.

Bottom line: your dentistry is more conservative and will last a lot longer.

It illustrates our commitment to being attentive to the tiniest detail in our quest to give you a lifetime of dental health and a beautiful smile.

Dr. Knox Kim is also a member of the International Academy of Microscope Enhanced Dentistry for interaction with top clinicians worldwide.

Call us: 9269 0514 ◆ www.bestdentist.c­om.au ◆ Dr Knox Kim is Diamond Invisalign Provider and Invis­align’s only Clinical Consultant/ Speaker among General dent­ists in Australia Top 6th in the world in Invisalign Interna­tional Gallery #stra­ightyourteethwithout­braces #invisalign #braces #sydneydentis­t#dentalclinicatworl­dtower #cosmetic #be­stdentist #citydenti­st#cerec#onedaycrown­#rootcanaltherapy#wi­sdomtooth​ #インビザライン#矯正 #シドニー#歯医者 #歯科矯正#矯正女子#ビフォーアフタ­ー#海外#海外移住#歯#オーストラリア #マウスピース矯正#隐适美#牙科诊所#中文#牙医

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